Third grade marks a transition toward higher level school work. Students begin completing written and oral reports and receive percentage grades for their work.
Study of and learning of Martin Luther and various parts of the Lutheran Catechism, memory work.
Review of addition and subtraction, learning multiplication and division facts, strategies to find area and volume, fractions, geometry, and telling time.
Study of the State of Michigan and a cross-curricular project that incorporates free reading time with “miles” traveled from state capital to state capital.
Develop reading fluency and vocabulary through literature selections, poems and trade books. Review of phonetic principles, reading comprehension in fiction and non-fiction, reading of short stories, chapter books, poems and plays. Students are encouraged to participate in the Whooos Reading program with self-selected reading.
Use of phonetic principles and spelling patterns to learn accurate spelling. Students learn the 144 most common words for third graders.
Physical science, earth science, life science and forces of motion.
Keyboarding, PowerPoint, and Internet navigation